Tiyumba Foundation
Principal sponsor of the Tiyumba Youth Development & Cultural Center.
The Tiyumba Foundation provides youth in Tamale, Ghana, with education and an understanding of their unique cultural heritage.
Providing hope and a safe space for young people in Ghana to pursue their dreams through education, cultural knowledge and practice.
Build our own center.
Develop a center designed to promote cultural connection, literacy and a positive relationship to reading and technology for youth and the wider community.
Create safe space.
Create a safe place where children can come together, learn and solidify their identity through mentorship, play and interaction in a structured, cultural and education-based setting.
Encourage new ideas and skills.
Encourage the exchange of ideas and expertise between students and volunteers or teachers who travel to the center. Bringing in elders and motivational speakers for storytelling and sharing of wisdom.
Financial abundance.
Raise sufficient funds from multiple income streams to meet the ongoing needs of existing projects, including the repair and maintenance of buildings.
Tiyumba Youth Development & Cultural Center - Educational Building!
We are building the first educational building for the Tiyumba Youth Development & Cultural Center!
The Tiyumba Youth Development and Cultural Center (TYDCC) has been working to bring educational and cultural opportunities to youth in Tamale, Ghana since 2005. Initially, TYDCC has grown from serving around 15 students out of a one room studio in a family home to 50 students doing this important work from borrowed space in a school and open fields outside.
Many students and schools in Tamale do not have access to learning equipment such as libraries or computers. And many of the school classrooms have up to 50 or even 60 students per teacher. The center is looking to expand programming to more youth in the area so young people have the opportunity to thrive in their education and skills. As we grow, we hope to offer more culture-based development through individual and small group tutoring, high quality literature, technology and traditional learning opportunities for students and the local community.
Dream with us.
The center will include a library with computers, performance hall, classrooms for tutoring and guest rooms for students, volunteers and teachers. It will provide a safe space for youth to improve upon their formal education, learn their cultural heritage and share their learnings with their families and community.
We create a safe space for children by providing classes, individualized attention, music and dance.
Tiyumba Youth Development & Cultural Center brings education and cultural opportunities to youth in Tamale, Ghana.
We offer culture-based development through individual and small group tutoring, high quality literature and language studies and traditional learning opportunities for students and the local community.
Currently, Tiyumba Youth Development & Cultural Center serves 50 children between ages 6 and 15. We wish to expand programming to more youths in the area. Many schools in Tamale lack libraries, computers and other equipment we take for granted in the West. Many classrooms seat 50-60 students.
Broadening the horizon of each child one teacher, volunteer, and experience at a time.
The Tiyumba Foundation encourages the exchange of ideas and expertise between students and volunteers or teachers who travel to the center or through field trips.
Although it is common for students to go on field trips as part of their schooling experience in the United States, in Ghana, this is a luxury and not often provided.
Through TYDCC, students are being exposed to more of their community, their home country, and the world through guest teachers and field trips.
Support youth in Ghana.
The Tiyumba Foundation is building a future for young people In Tamale, Ghana, through cultural heritage and formal education. Help us provide a strong foundation for these children and their families. Please donate today.